Justin T. Adkins
Oct 28, 2017
Simple Motivation
I've always thought Batgirl was a really interesting character. Like the rest of her vigilante family, Barbara is a naturally gifted...
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Justin T. Adkins
Jan 24, 2017
Righteous Anger
"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." Even if you've never heard Dr. Bruce Banner's famous words of warning, you've probably felt that...
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Justin T. Adkins
Jan 2, 2017
Amazing Transformation
Comic storytelling has come really far over the years. No matter what you're into there's a comic story for you. Mystery, adventure,...
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Justin T. Adkins
Dec 7, 2016
Beware My Power
Every time I hear a Green Lantern's power ring described as the most powerful weapon in the universe I have to take a minute to think...
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Justin T. Adkins
Nov 6, 2016
Stranger Than Fiction
What are you here for? Why do you exist? These are the kinds of questions many of us spend too much of our lives trying to avoid....
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Justin T. Adkins
Oct 17, 2016
I can remember the first time the concept of Batman fighting Superman occurred to me. It shouldn't even be close, right? Even your...
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